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Aircraft Maintenance: Ensuring Safe and Efficient Flight Operations

 In the ever-evolving world of aviation, aircraft maintenance stands as a pivotal aspect that ensures the safety, reliability, and efficiency of flight operations. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of aircraft maintenance, outlining the critical roles it plays in the aviation industry. Our comprehensive exploration will highlight the various types of maintenance, the importance of routine inspections, and the technological advancements that are revolutionizing this vital field.  The Key Types of Aircraft Maintenance  1. Preventive Maintenance  Preventive maintenance is the cornerstone of ensuring the longevity and safety of aircraft. It encompasses routine checks, lubrication, and component replacements to prevent potential issues. These scheduled procedures not only extend the life of an aircraft but also minimize the chances of unexpected breakdowns during flight.  2. Scheduled Maintenance  Scheduled maintenance is conducted based on predetermined intervals or flight hou


Originally from Punjab, Pakistan, I am a graduate in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering.

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My own experiences as a student have stimulated me to help young people who thrash about to fit into the mould of conventional schooling systems. I have a strong understanding of how external hardships can impede learning and have supported students with addressing difficulty as both an in-school behavioural mentor and adolescent bereavement counsellor. Working as a remedial learning resource tutor and special needs activity partner further demonstrated to me the impact that individual attention can have on a child’s development. I am a firm believer that students should feel safe to take risks, be inquisitive and experiment with new ideas in a learning community which has taken into consideration each child’s unique history, skill sets and challenges.


My passion for learning is evident through my pursuit of formal and informal learning opportunities from job-alike events and education conferences to participation in online learning communities and open courses. I further publish this blog to document my journey as an maintenance technician, share different ideas and resources as well as connect with fellow students. I am an inquisitive thinker, creative problem-solver and versatile team member who wishes to instill these same qualities in future generations.


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